The data bank of the touring
Total mileage 52,554km
The travelling mileage 47,883km
Total duration 443 days
Travelling days 203 days
Actual travelling time 799hours 21mins
Average travelling time/day 4 hours 00mins
Average travelling mileage/day 239km
Average travelling speed 59.8km/h
Average staying days / place 2.18 days
Total refuelling amount 21,868.2L
Fuel efficiency 28.1km/L
Total refuelling 151 times
Average refuelling amount 12.3L(tank:16L)
Motor oil change 13 times
Average motor oil
change interval
Tire replacing Front: twice,
Rear: 3 times
Chain, sprocket replacing Twice each
Punctures 3 times
(rear of all)
Nations visiting 40 nations
Places staying 190 places

Max mileage /day 636km 2000.Oct 13. Hungary-Austria-Czech-Poland
Max country-
4 nations Same as the above
The best
fuel efficiency
35.0km/l Around 2000 Sep 13. 
Couldn't accelerate for over-abrasion of the front sprocket
The Worst
fuel efficiency
20.7km/l 2000 Dec15DBetween Yazd-Kerman in Iran.
When cruising through the 1,500 meter Iranian Highlands.
The Longest days
at one city/town
39 days Bangkok(Thailand). 
2nd-Kathmandu(Nepal) 13days, 3rd-Douglas(Isle of Man) 11 days
The northernmost N70"30"06" North of Polmak in Norway(the Arctic Ocean)
The highest 3,050m 2000 Dec4. When crossing Alborz Mountains.
